About Us
A Green Conscience

In collaborating with NPWS and PRREMS (Perisher Range Resort Environmental Management System), we participate annually in the robust benchmarking assessment with Earthcheck – the world’s leading scientific benchmarking organisation – consistently achieving four out of five “green leaves”. We have exceeded their best practice targets and initiatives in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy and water consumption and recycling initiatives. This was achieved through identifying and implementing measures such as installing water saving devices, energy efficient lighting and heating, as well as managing the land around the lodge. A comprehensive recycling program (including food waste!) and mindful use of daily energy complements these measures. This has been acknowledged with a PRREMS Commitment Award and ongoing recognition of our efforts.
Additionally, we are working towards reducing and eliminating single-use plastics where practical such as straws and plastic bags, and the bathrooms are stocked with bulk amenities. Food is also purchased this way, with conscious thought in controlling portions and packaging to minimise waste. We even purchase free range eggs, so that we know there are happy hens out there!
Along with us, you can also help by practicing personal eco-friendly habits – such as bringing your own personal care products and minimising energy and water use within the lodge – as we do our little bit in our little corner of the world within our Green Conscience.